Saturday, April 16, 2016

*gasp*...A Man!

Dear Friend,

Well, this feels a bit silly. I feel a bit silly writing this, like a schoolgirl rather than a twenty-five year old, fairly-competent adult, but it's the new big news in my life, and I want to share my life with you, so here goes:

I've got a new boyfriend.

His name is Michael, and he's incredibly sweet, kind, and caring. My parents like him. My cat likes him. I like him. He makes me happy.

Everyone who I've told this news to so far has asked the same thing: how did we meet? We met at auditions for the show we're both in right now. We were cast together. He plays my husband in a play, and now he is my boyfriend in real life!

I don't know how much about him and our relationship to talk about here, but I'm happy to talk your ear off about him if you ask. Suffice it to say for now that so far, he's a good one. He's light and positive and cute.

I like him.


Friday, April 15, 2016

Hello, It me

Obvious statement time: I've started a blog!

I've realized that I don't really share details of my life on social media very often. I don't feel like there's a place I'm comfortable sharing personal stuff, but I have so many long-distance friends who I don't want to lose touch with, and as enamored as I am with letters and cards and correspondence, I have decided to make a blog and write it as a series of letters to YOU. This way, if you want to keep up with the things i think and feel and do on a daily basis, you can read these letters to you and know!

And so, to the letter:

Dear friend,

I am doing really well. You may or may not know the dreadful awfulness that has clouded my life for the last year, but if you don't, the specifics are irrelevant, just the knowledge that life has been particularly hard for quite a while. But now, right now, in this moment: I am doing really well.

I have a show and a cast and a character that I love. I have auditions and opportunities coming up and I am starting to make friends, to plant small, seedling roots.

I am learning how to be me regardless, and I'm learning how to be my own safe space. It's a process, and I'm learning.

I have a great new addition in my life that I will write about in our next letter. I am excited and scared and happy about this new addition. (And I am NOT pregnant, so don't start.)

Friend, I am thrilled to report that I am in a place that looks very much like Happy. Perhaps I am just nearby.

I wish you the best of all things, dear friend.
Dear friend, how are you?
